Who, What, and How I Know

Growing my Social Capital

  1. Study Edge program in Gainesville, FL. They are a tool used by a lot of college students to help them study and gain good grades as a result for it. This is mostly used when students have exams coming up and want to have an extra security blanket when it comes to studying. 
  2.  The slot they are filling is the domain expert.
  3. I found them because I see a lot of my classmates using them and when I would ask about extra studying tools, they would always recommend Study Edge.
  4. I have used them once before so that is the only exchange we've had. I was fairly pleased with the service and how much extra help it actually was. 
  5. If I were to include them in my network it would be beneficial because they could give me insight on how to go forward with my business because they are under the same category. They could tell me the ins and outs of running a business like this.   

  1. Smokin' Notes program in Gainesville, FL. This is another popular study tool that people access when they want extra studying help on their exams and their classes in general. They are known for having great notes in regards for exam help but they only do it for a certain number of classes.
  2. The slot they are filling is being an expert in the market.
  3. Similar to Study Edge, I found out about them through classmates of mine that were keen on using this service. I would also see them set up around the university handing out coupons telling students to use their product. That enticed me to want to use their product to see what they are all about. 
  4. Smokin' Notes was the study tool that I've used the most in regards to studying for exams. They have helped me a lot with exams meaning I definitely got my use out of their products. 
  5. I would include them in my network because they are already well known in this category, so I think I could learn a lot of things from them in regards to how to get my service out in the open.


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