My Last Semester's Failure

Celebrating Failure

    Last semester included a big milestone in my life. Not only completing my first year as being a sport management major, but also leaving my teenage years and going on to my twenties. This is the time that I will really become an adult and learn the struggles of adulthood year by year. With that being said, I know that there will be a lot of failures on this journey through my twenties and also the beginning of my adulthood. 
    Nevertheless, I found out real quick what my first failure of my twenties would be real quick. It had nothing to do with school, it was more rather my personal life. This failure was not being able to keep one friendship that was important to me. We were both going through some personal stuff of our own so that is what ultimately brought us together. Unfortunately, it was too much for the other person and gradually the friendship was crumbling apart to the point where we couldn't even be in the same room as each other. So before I left for summer break, that is when I decided to end things. A part of me was happy because I certainly did not want to be friends with this person anymore but another side of me wishes things were different. I can't change the true colors that this person showed to me towards the end and I don't think I will ever forget that.
    From that experience of mine, I learned to not take anything for granted. This friend I made was every important to me during my spring semester of college but clearly it wasn't for the other person and I wished I noticed that before our friendship started to crumble. Now I know to get out of something toxic right when their true colors start to show. This failure alone will make me approach things differently when it comes to gaining new relationships with people.  

    Failure is something humans have to experience almost daily. I think that failure can shape a person for better and for the worst, it just depends on the person and how they go about after their failure. As for me, I try to grow from my failures and not dwell on them for too long. As for what I just explained above, this failure made me grow into a better person than I already was and I was in a lot of self thought trying to better myself. With taking this class, I definitely have a different perspective on failure because entrepreneurship is the one career where failure is very prominent. Products they make are not going to be successes every time so we have to prepare ourselves for that if we really want to go into this field. I don't think I am at risk when it comes to failures mainly because I know how to avoid them and if I were to fail, I wouldn't be as sad as I was before.   


  1. Hi Rachel,

    I am in my 30's, I'm sorry that I chuckled a little when I read your post. In my 20's I also thought that I would become a real adult but that definitely was not the case. At 25 something weird happens when you start to realize just how much our parents and family have sacrificed and done for us but for the most part as human beings we are still navigating and learning how to control our impulses and emotions. One thing I learned was that I wasted a lot of time with toxic people. Toxic comes in many forms whether its a boy friend or a best friend or even a friend that hasn't done anything wrong. If I could tell you anything is to not take this college opportunity for granted, crush it right now don't waste your time. Time literally is money and "friends" are either a distraction or useful. Keep the ones that are like minded and just as fierce in their goals as your are. I had many many friends and now not a single one, calls or comes over. I look back at my career and all the time wasted that I could have used more productively. Friends and having a pretty insane social life are the reasons why I am in my 30's and finishing out my degree. None of my past friends are my friends currently and honestly I have evolved so much as a person that I would not even consider being friends with those same people. As you grow, evolve and mature your relationships will also change. Knowing all of this, I would advise that it's better to just hyper focus on your goals because your college career will always put you in a position to be a successful adult in life. Best, Mehr.


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