My Ideal Customer Avatar

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    If I were to explain my customer avatar in one sentence it would be "a honors high school student that likes to have fun outside of school". This customer loves to do a lot of  things that don't include having you're head in the textbooks. She's smart so she makes sure school is first and then once that is done, she is able to have fun and do some of her hobbies. Those hobbies include shopping, playing sports, hanging out with friends, listening to different types of music and reading new books. Since they are excelling in school, her parents rewarded her with a brand new car when she got her license. This car would be something along the lines of a Honda Civic or a Ford Focus. These are cars with great gas mileage and also have a sleek look to them. They are great first cars so that's why her parents chose between the two. Even though my customer is a honors student, the had to work hard to get where she is at. She had great study tools all through out elementary school and middle school, but those didn't seem to be enough when she went on to high school. That is when she found my study product to use for her. She loved the concept and decided to ask her parents if she could have it. Of course they agreed with her and got the program for her. This shows that working hard will get you where you want in life but still be able to have free time to yourself when needed. 



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