Reading Reflection #3

  1. The overall theme of this book is evolution. I gained that kind of perspective because it seemed like Anderson was giving us the new and improved ways that went with people making things. That meant that we have come a long way since the actual industrial revolution and we as people are using new ways to grow as an country and as the whole world. 
  2. This book connected to this class by showing me how important entrepreneurship really is. It is not just businessmen/women making new companies and products, it is a field that makes the world grow bigger and have better means to it. Everything we own was just a little idea at some point and eventually someone took the opportunity to make it into something bigger. 
  3. An exercise that came to mind when reading this book is cause and effect. What I mean by that is identifying causes and effects for this "new" revolution and explaining how it differs from the industrial revolution that we learned about when we were kids. It could put more things into perspective for students that don't fully grasp the idea that something like this is happening. 
  4. My biggest "aha" moment was when I realized that this book is basically telling us that history is repeating itself but in a more modernistic way. I would of never thought of entrepreneurship as the new industrial revolution but this book made me think otherwise. Starting up companies and making new products just add more aspects to the world than we fully can understand.    


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