Local Opportunities in a Nutshell

Local Opportunities

    1. Title: Rebuilding America: Tourism took a hit. Here are 10 things to do for a Brevard staycation
        Link to Article: https://www.floridatoday.com/story/news/2020/05/28/rebuilding-america-travel-florida-vacation-staycation/5200302002/ 

In this article, it explains the struggles of going on vacations during the coronavirus pandemic. Since all of the theme parks are closed as well as other tourist destinations until further notice, families have to keep themselves occupied with other things they can find during quarantine and being able to social distance. This article has just what we need with giving us 10 things to do in Brevard County. These things range from going fishing to visiting our wonderful space attractions in Cape Canaveral. 

        The Problem: Not being able to go a real vacation during quarantine and needing to find other options in Brevard County
        Who?: Residents living in Brevard County

    2. Title: Sally Scalera: Short on space, but still want to grow something? Here are tips
        Link to Article: https://www.floridatoday.com/story/life/2020/05/08/here-tips-planting-containers/3098776001/ 

This article is about optimizing on small spaces if you are wanting to grow a garden to spend your time wisely. They give tips like what kind of containers to use and how to plant them effectively so they last long. If you're new to gardening and want to dive into the art of it, this is a great article to get a good start on it. 
     The Problem: Having a small space and not wanting to start a garden because of it.
     Who?: Homeowners with smaller houses or smaller front/back lawns

    3. Title: Space Coast Tourism Development Council Approves Funding to Bring 2020 AAU Jr. Olympics to Brevard 
        Link to Article: https://spacecoastdaily.com/2020/05/newsflash-space-coast-tourism-development-council-approves-funding-to-bring-2020-aau-jr-olympics-to-brevard/

Sports is a great thing available to us in our lives. Watching people excel in sports is also very awarding as well. Being able to have the chance to watch this potentially happen in my area is very rewarding. This event would bring in $8 million of profit which is a lot more than the budget they were rewarded. This is a great opportunity for the space coast to gain more tourists than before and unite everyone with our love with sports. 

        The Problem: There isn't necessarily a problem in this article but there is a great opportunity for athletes to showcase their talents and win medals to support that.
        Who?: Junior athletes and their supporters (their families and friends)

    4. Title: Disney, SeaWorld Get Green Light to Reopen By Orange County’s Economic Recovery Task Force

This article is about the reopening of our lovely Florida theme parks amid COVID-19. This can potentially bring our local economy back up to where it should be. Walt Disney World and Seaworld revealed their plans to reopen next month and we hope that this plan goes through the way we want to.

        The Problem: With the coronavirus still being a prime issue in the world, they would make sure social distancing is being practiced to the best of their abilities. 
        Who?: Tourists, employees of the theme parks

    5. Title:  Brevard Zoo Preparing to Reopen With New Safety Measures
        Link to Article: https://www.mynews13.com/fl/orlando/florida-on-a-tankful/2020/05/22/florida-on-a-tankful-brevard-zoo-new-safety-measures

In this article, it tells us that the Brevard Zoo is finally setting up to reopen. This is one of the local attractions that always brings in a lot of people and is always good to have a family fun day here. With it reopening they are setting new safety procedures to make sure they prevent the spread of the virus as much they can. For example, they are making sure anyone over the age of 7 is wearing masks and to buy their tickets online to limit social interactions.

        The Problem: How to make sure they are social distancing while having a good experience at the Zoo.
        Who?: The attendees and employees


  1. Hi Rachel,

    I agree with your hope that the economy gets better. I think that we all are yearning for a return to normalcy but also still concerned about safety. Things like reopening zoo's and theme parks amid this pandemic presents lots of new challenges that these businesses may or may not have the answers for. How will they regulate social distancing? Is going worth the risk of exposing yourself to corna virus? Personally, I am still wary of going to the theme parks, especially in the beginning because so much of everything in society feels like an experiment.
    Looking forward to more posts in the future.
    Thank you.


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