My Entrepreneurship Story

The Rainbow Loom Bracelets

When I think of entrepreneurship in my childhood only one thing comes to mind, and that is the brand Rainbow Loom and the bracelets that you were able to make. Around middle school everyone had a little business going with these bracelets, especially the ones that were good making the bracelets. Seeing everyone having their own business with this inspired me to start making my own bracelets and I tried selling them to my closest friends to see how well I would do. I didn't really add to my business that I had and stopped after I left middle school because I was focusing more on school and my sports. It was a fun experience and I really enjoyed spending time making the bracelets for everyone.

Lastly, I enrolled in Principles or Entrepreneurship because I wanted to gain more knowledge on running a business and how to design products around businesses. A lot of people I know have already jump started on a business themselves or already have a business fully up and running. With that, taking this class will give me more insight on how a entrepreneur runs a business and hopefully use that towards planning my own business someday.    


  1. I remember these! When I was school, I always wished I could get the hang of making them. Its amazing how popular these things were. People had their little businesses and some would even sell them for a few dollars. I'm hoping this class will give me better insight in how to effectively run a business as well because having my own fashion business is something that I've always wanted to do.

  2. I wasn't aware of these when I was younger, but maybe they weren't around then. I found out about them several years ago because my cousin would make them when he was little. He was probably too young to run a business, so he gave them away for free. They were pretty good, though! He'd make red, white, and blue ones for Independence Day and Black & Orange ones for Halloween. Thanks for sharing! I look forward to reading your other posts.

  3. Hi Rachel,
    I did not get into making the bracelets, but I have heard of them. My little sister did business out of selling bracelets in middle school. I am a bit older, so when I was in middle school, we had something called gimp, and I used to draw names in graffiti. Gimp is like this long plastic strings that come in different colors. Girls used to make like 3D designs like boxes or butterfly patterns and hang them from your bookbag or keychain. I didn't create a business out of these; however, my graffiti names attracted a lot of attention, and people would often offer to pay me for those. Thanks for sharing!


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