Things that "Bug" me

Bug List

  1. My brand new car not wanting to start when I'm running late for work. 
    1. Why? Something could be wrong with the battery or starter.
  2. Dorm roommates being loud when I'm trying to study for a final exam.
    1. Why? They could be hanging out with friends or watching TV in the living area.
  3. Anyone who leaves their mess behind when they leave to go do something else (could be leaving dishes, school materials, any kind of task).
    1. Why? Could be in a rush or thinking someone else is going to pick it up for them
  4. When I'm working a lunch rush at my job and customers get mad because they haven't gotten their food yet.
    1. Why? There could be a lack of communication between me and the customer or the customer is being impatient.
  5. When it isn't busy at a certain restaurant and it takes abnormally long for my food to come out.
    1. Why? The people in the kitchen could be having issues.
  6. Terrible cell service when I need to make an important call. 
    1. Why? Bad weather or construction could be happening in the area.
  7. Someone cutting you off in heavy traffic not using their blinker.
    1. Why? The driver may be in a rush and not worrying about flashing his blinker.
  8. Since we are in a pandemic, when people don't practice social distancing like they should. 
    1. Why? It's could be the person's personal choice or they may not know the county rules.
  9. When it is love bug season and all they are doing is smearing all over your car. 
    1. Why? Not washing my car as frequently as I should, so the love bugs pile up. 
  10. Car washes that don't fully clean your cars.
    1. Why? Might have flawed equipment that doesn't cover all the spots.
  11. People that invade my personal space when I am trying to walk.
    1. Why? Certain people may not be paying attention to where they are going.
  12. Having a hole in one of my favorite t-shirts.
    1. Why? Drying clothes too much can cause distress in the fabric.
  13. Bending down at work and ripping a hole in your pants.
    1. Why? There could be loose seams that cause the hole.
  14. Power going out at my house when watching my favorite movie/TV show. 
    1. Why? Power lines could be down or there is construction happening on said power lines.
  15. Having the umpire at my softball games not make the right calls.
    1. Why? The umpire can possibly favor the other team so he/she doesn't make an calls against them.
  16. Misplacing my phone often at random times, even when it is at a noticeable place.
    1. Why? I can be forgetful at certain times.
  17. Classmates talking behind me during lectures causing me to lose focus.
    1. Why? The classmates may think their conversation is more important than lecture.
  18. Stepping in an ankle deep puddle and having nothing to clean your shoe or switch into.
    1. Why? The weather could of caused there being a puddle formed.
  19. People who wear Crocs as a fashion statement.
    1. Why? They want a sense of comfort.
  20. People that leave their blinker on while driving after they have switched lanes. 
    1. Why? They may not know that they still have their blinker on.

Trying to think of 20 things that bug me was very difficult. Aside from that, I think this exercise helped me look more into certain things that surround me everyday. Coming up with the reasons was the easier part of the exercise but it still required more thinking power. 


  1. Rachel,

    The first one that I really related to was the blinker. The worst part of driving is the other people on the road. The love bugs you talk about in #9 are my worst enemy. I wash my car all the time, but they get all over the front after just 5 minutes of driving.

    I noticed a lot of your bugs involve how other people are inconsiderate or rude. I think a ton of people have these bugs, especially the bugs such people being loud during lectures or in a dorm when you are trying to study. I don't know if there are any good solutions to them sadly, but they are certainly bugs of mine that I would buy a product for so great job!


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