My Idea #2

Idea Napkin #2

  1. I am a student at UF looking to see if I have any potential to be an entrepreneur. I'm still in the workforce so I have experiences with how to handle customers and feedback from my higher ups. I am very goal-oriented so making up this product for the class made that part of me fired up. I think if this business were to take off, it would take over most of my life in the best way possible. I would always want to find bigger and better ways to make myself and the business better. 
  2. I am offering customers extra work they would have to do at their fingertips. Usually, students would have to go out of their way to find the right study materials so they make sure they pass exams. With my product, it eliminates all of that so they spend less time looking and more time studying. 
  3. My study program is open to all students all ages from kindergarten to university students. All of the users will mainly be students getting their studies done but parents will also have access to the program on their own account to see their students progress and the uses they are getting out of the service. 
  4. I think my customers care so much is because of they know that their child is striving to get the best education they can get. Sometimes there can be struggling times when the child isn't doing well in school and it takes a toll on their behavior. I want this study program to help students get out of that funk, if they are in one, and have the best school experience without having to worry that much about grades (because they will have straight As of course!).
  5. The one thing that sets me apart from others is how caring I am with these students. Since I've been in their shoes before and still experiencing it myself, I want to help them as much as I can. Even if I can't get to meet all of them, I want their progress to show how much this means to them and me. 


  1. Hello Rachel,
    I've always thought your product has been extremely interesting and helpful. I think you did a great job of explaining it in this Idea Napkin as well. I also think you explained why the parents of the students that use your product would care and I liked how they could have access to see how their child is doing. You seem very passionate about this idea and hope one day you can make this a real service to help those students! Great post!


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