Reading Reflection #2

Mindset of Success

  1. The original theme of the book is the psychology of success and how to achieve it. 
  2. This book connected with what I'm learning because I think it gives me more insight on the topics that are talked about. Not everything is just words and numbers on paper, it runs deeper than that. having the right mindset is always important when making a new product and starting a business. 
  3. I think the exercise I would design for this class would be something along the lines of brainstorming different topics. Brainstorming is a great way to get your brain working and to look deeper into topics. Reaching just the surface is not enough for something like entrepreneurship.
  4. I learned that psychology is something that is very prominent in thins industry. There is a lot of instances that requires you to dig deeper and realize what you really want with your business or yourself as an entrepreneur.   


  1. Hello Rachel,
    I have never read any books about psychology, but it seems that this book could be very interesting as it dives into how people's mindset's affect their success with their products and themselves. A lot goes into the success of products and I think that the entrepreneur's mindset may be one of the most important factors that can be overlooked. Entrepreneurs already have a hard enough time getting their product or service to succeed but I believe it all starts in their own determination to succeed.


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