My Venture's Unfair Advantage

What Makes Me Special?

  1. Teachers (V- Teachers are very valuable because they are the initial giver of information to the students; R- I don't think teachers in general are rare but finding the perfect teacher is rare in my eyes; I- Teachers have their own individuality and have different teaching styles so I think it would be hard for others to copy them; N- There are other resources that do the same thing as teachers) 
  2. Textbooks (V- Textbooks hold value because they are supplementary help to students that are learning certain material; R- Textbooks can be found anywhere so I don't think they are rare at all; I- I think it could be easy to copy from textbooks because there are so many out there; N- There are a lot of other resources that could be used with a textbook or in place of one)
  3. Online Resources (V- Since the Internet has become a big part in people's lives, online resources can be very valuable; R- I think there is online resources for anything so they are not rare in my eyes; I- People could easily copy from online resources because a lot of the don't have the right kind of protection and a way of preventing it; N- There could be a few things that people could use in place of the internet, but it has turned into one of the leading resources)
  4. Knowledge (V- Knowledge is very valuable because it is what lets us humans go through with our lives; R- It can be rare because not everyone has access to gaining the knowledge they need; I- I don't think knowledge can be copied because it is something that is done by the individual; N- There is nothing that can be used in place of knowledge that I know of)
  5. Students (V- They are valuable because they are going to be the ones that go through this next generation and grow into great people that change the world for the better; R- Students and all of their different personalities are rare in my opinion; I- I think students have copied each other at least once; N- Students are their own person, so in that case they are irreplaceable) 
  6. Versatility (V- I think this is valuable because it is important to show different sides and qualities that someone may have; R- Versatility can be rare because not everyone is able to show different sides of them, could be from being closed off to the world or their surroundings holding them back; I- It can't be copied because this is a quality that a person has naturally, people can't learn it that easy; N- This can be over-shined by other qualities that someone may have, but there is nothing that can replace it) 


  1. Hi!

    I agree with your point about, Online Resources and how the Internet has become a big part in people's lives. Online resources are a great source for learning of every type. It is surprising how much free knowledge is out there. Especially from experts in the field. I have learned so much about photography and videography in the recent months, all online for free.


  2. Rachel,
    All of your points were completely relatable. Your perspective on the rarity of each point really stuck out to me. I like how you fully thought about how and why something could qualify as rare instead of just taking it from your own or a financial point of rarity. I also liked how you included a lot of human capital in your points.


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