My Exit Strategy

  1. The exit strategy I am thinking about doing is wanting to stay with my company and product for as long as I can. I love to help encouraging students to be the best they can possibly be and I think my product does that. I think after making multiple products that do with Study Buddies and do equally as well, that's when I would start considering my options and figure out what I really want to do. For a product like this, it is something that can stay around for a very long time. 
  2. I decided to keep my exit strategy in the open because you never know what could fully happen to a company. The future is unpredictable. So when it comes a time were my product has finally met its mark, that when I'll fully dive into a thought out exit strategy and give my product what it deserves. 
  3. This exit strategy has definitely made me think about how well my product is actually going to do if I decide to go through with Study Buddies. Growth is important to a company so if my product isn't doing that within a certain time frame then I would have to consider my exit strategy earlier than usual. I hope that the support system I have around me will come through for me at the time where I would have to use my exit strategy because I can look to them for advice and see where their thoughts are at when it comes to this topic. Decisions like this are not easy so having people by my side giving their opinions would help me ultimately decide what to do. 


  1. Hey Rachel, your exit strategy is clear and concise it sounds like you have a good plan set in place for your opportunity. I think its good that you realize the future isnt always clear even if you try and map it out there are factors that cant be predicted and are out of your hands. I think with an opportunity like yours that deals with education their will always be a need for it. The factors behind the need may change, but the need I think will always exist and your opportunity will be beneficial to many students.

  2. Hi Rachel,

    I like that you mention that you want to keep your exit strategy open. I also felt the same way as you about my own exit strategy. I think focusing on growth will eventually lead you to an answer. Whether if you want to sell it to a bigger competitor or try to become a giant in your own community or become a franchise in the field. Time has a way of giving you all the answers. I hope this helps. Best, Mehr.


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