Part 2 Interviews

Testing the Hypothesis pt. 2
    For the interviews I conducted, I picked people that could be closely related to the general student but don't have the same need that the student would have.

1. The first interview I conducted was with a parent that has an excelling high school student. They fall outside of this boundary because they don't have the need of wanting their child to do better or needing to study more. They think their child is doing more than enough and getting good grades as the result of that. The need here for this parent is more along the lines of hunger, the hunger of wanting their child to keep doing better in school and to not fail. I think the need for the parent has been there ever since their child started going to school. As for the student, the need only comes occasionally when they want to raise a grade they aren't happy with or to past time by studying. 

 Inside the Boundary Outside the Boundary
 Students needing extra help  Parents of the students 
 Wanting to get better grades but don't know how to start The need is more for the students bettering themselves, not the parents
 Students may not be learning well in class Students shouldn't have to make it the parents issue. Parents should be there for the students and guide them to do the right thing. 

    After interviewing who I wanted to, I learned that the parent and student have different needs for schooling and getting grades. The boundary is very slim between them and it could easily be closed due to the parent possibly being too strict or too in tune with their grades at school. It is always good to have that support from the parent when it comes to school but they should know to back up when the time comes. 

(was only able to interview one person due to the Coronavirus)


  1. Hey Rachel, I think you have a really good opportunity here. Lots of students fall behind in school do to learning disabilities, they don't learn the same as the majority or even problems they face at home. I think those that struggle the most are those in low income who cant afford tutors or extra help for their child which can be frustrating.

  2. Hi Rachel this is a very nice and thoughtful idea. The only thing is that you are not first to market. Schoolers, Study edge and smokin notes are the major players in this tutoring/study help field. Its ok that you are not first to market, but then I would expect to read something new/innovative about your take on the business. How is your tutoring service different form the rest? I also think that parents do not really have much to do with this topic other than maybe help provide funding for some students to be able to afford the service. Students in college are adults: they ultimately have to decide to take the extra step in order to put in the additional time to study with a tutor. I think that the students that fall outside of the boundary are the students that are satisfied with their grades and do not want to put in the extra effort or pay for a service. Another type of student that falls outside of the boundary could be a student that is in a special program phd ect.
    Thank you.
    Looking forward to more of your ideas I hope my suggestions help.


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