Meet Me Halfway

Halfway Reflection
  1.  Some behaviors that I've picked up while taking this class is looking more in-depth in businesses. Learning about entrepreneurship has opened new doors for me and has me looking more into businesses that I know to learn even more about everything. Relating back to the class, I've gained the habit to try to be on top of my assignments. With that, I've been setting reminders to make sure I get these assignments done on time. Setting those reminders has been helping me with my procrastination because I tend to fall into a big hole where all I do is procrastinate. With three assignments a week, that is not a good habit to have. Staying on top of assignments has helped me focus more on the material and actually learn from this class. 
  2.  I've felt like giving up in this class only once and that was when we started doing interviews for some of the assignments. I wasn't taking my "product" seriously so I didn't see the purpose of going out of my way to do those things. Being in the middle of a pandemic didn't really help that either because I didn't want to move from my bed. The one thing that pulled me through was looking at everyone else's posts about their products and the feedback they were giving me. I saw so many positive things about my product that make me do a double take. Seeing those comments made me think about potentially going through my product and seeing the potential my product actually had. With that mindset, everything changed for me. I want to continue with my product and see where it takes me. I hope this class can help me with just that. With this experience, I think I have developed a tenacious attitude. I haven't been this determined to get something done in a while and I hope I can continue with this same attitude throughout the end of the semester. If I ever have those quitting thoughts again, I'll make sure to look at my peer's feedback to get me on the right path again. 
  3.  The first tip for someone taking this class in the future is to not procrastinate. Make sure to start your assignments days before they are due because you will be able to get the most information that way. You will be able to have more in-depth interviews with potential customers and convey your message clearly. The next tip I would give them is to take their product that they are making seriously. It might not seem real because it just assignments for this class but you could very much have the potential to turn it into something bigger. I didn't do this in the beginning and it took a big toll on how I performed on my assignments. I wouldn't want the same thing to happen to a future student taking this class. My last tip for future students is to just have fun! It's not everyday you get to design your own product for an entrepreneur class. I think this is a better way of learning from a class because it mostly comes from your mind, not the professors. I think this experience could be very beneficial to very one because it brings a new concept of learning to life.       


  1. Bravo! Rachel!
    I loved your post it was super down to earth and i felt that you really had hreat insights. Provrastination is something that i also deal with a lot. Your method of setting reminders is a great idea and i will also try it myself. Sometimes I get so busy with every thing else that needs to be done that before I know it an assignments due. So I will put your advice into practice. Thanks. Looking forward to more posts.

  2. Rachel,
    Your post was very gracefully said. Your points on procrastination and taking your product seriously were also points that I found myself focusing on during this reflection. I also related to your point on feeling conflicted with the interviews on some of the assignments. I found this portion of the assignments difficult not in the sense of finding people to talk to but int he sense that I don't enjoy phone or email interviews which are really the only forms of interviews that are available at this time. If I was to read this post before signing up for this class, I'd find it very insightful and inspiring.
    Well done!

  3. Hi,

    I also agree that not procrastinating is very important. I use the app Numbers to create calendars, checklists, and agendas to track progress of everything that needs to be complete for the day, week, or month. However I am looking for a new agenda app that is a bit easier to construct and organize. Do you you use any programs in particular to keep everything on track?

    Best, Wally


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