Learning Buyer Behavior

Figuring out Buyer Behavior Part 1

1.  Segment: Demographic 
For the interviews I chose to talk to three high school students that are all wanting to find study materials needed to excel in their classes. Since they all had the same unmet need I continued on with the interviews. I asked them why they had the need and all of them collectively wanted to do better in school and try to make studying better for them. Most of the time for students, getting the good grades isn't the problem, knowing how to study is the issue. I hope that my potential service makes students want to study better and get in the hang of it. 
From conducting these interviews, I learned that well-rounded students have similar needs when it comes to studying and good grades. They don't want to lose their standing in class ranks and want to try to be the best of the best. I think this service will help them do exactly that. 
With this information, I will make sure I fix my service to have an adapting nature to the students instead of having one set system and not adapt to students. Whatever makes the students excel is the best case outcome for this product.


  1. Hello Rachel,
    I found these interviews helpful as well! It sounds like you gained valuable insight into your service and saw that it needs to be able to adapt to the students. Especially in high school, I always wanted to succeed as well and had a hard time studying for some courses. I think your product would be very beneficial to many students and doing exercises like this definitely help us learn more about how we can adapt our business plan to fit more into the customer needs. Great post!


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