Learning Buyer Behavior Part 2

Figuring Out Buyer Behavior Part 2

    With my demographic, I interviewed three college students this time instead of just regular high school students. With my service, I think that college students would be the ones that would be wanting this service the most.  When interviewing them they all thought the same thing, if the quality of the service does not match the pricing then it is not worth it to actually have the product. With studying services, there is a lot already offered and catered to college students. To break that part of the market I would have to grab the college student's attention for my product to do well. When asking the students this, they thought that my product had that sense of uniqueness and has the potential to break through this demographic. 
    My segment is mostly going to end up buying my service online. It is an online service so there will be no way to get anything in-person at a store or a library of some sort. With that in mind my segment will mostly be using credit card as the method of payment. There is no cash transactions so the default way is ultimately using a credit card. Doing it that way will make the process even easier and hopefully be a issue-free transaction. 
    After conducting my interviews, it is very prominent that college students have the same mindset about services like this. They all just want something that can help them do better in their classes and get through college. They are all glad that a service like mine is possibly coming into light because it is not like any of the ones that are already on the market. 
    In conclusion, these interviews showed me that they are mostly looking at price since college students don't have much money to spend, so they go towards the cheaper side of things. If that meets their needs then their post-purchase decision will be for the better. 


  1. Hi,

    That is some great feedback to hear! I also work in an industry where I provide services. One thing I learned is that many different groups may be in need of your service, but they will value that at different levels. So I created different levels, and try to work with customers to provide something that works for each groups budget and expenditure expectations!

    Best, Wally


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