My Ideas in One

Idea Napkin #1 

  1. I am a college student currently going towards her goal in life. I think one of my main talents is having leadership. I played team sports my whole life and I naturally learned how to become a leader through the experience. I think with learning that skill it made it easier to take on certain tasks in my life. It has taught me to take lead when there is no apparent boss or "ruler" so there can be some direction whether it can be in a group project or in a work environment. I think this skill can lead into my business life because it can cause me to break through my shell and strive to be the best business owner. Having leadership in business is a way to make things easier in the environment and meetings can run a lot smoother. 
  2. I am offering customers a way to earn better grades with less of the hassle. For students that aren't in college (elementary, middle, and high school), study materials can be a hassle to acquire because of the lack of programs or services available to students of that age. If there is, they are usually super expensive or don't have the right material needed to study or learn. So I would like to meet the unmet need of having the right study materials and wanting to get better grades. 
  3. I am offering my product mostly to the students that are just staring in elementary school to the students in high school. The age range for that demographic would be from around 5 years to 18 years old. This service isn't age restricted so anyone who is a student is able to use this service. All my customers have mainly one thing in common, they are all students wanting to excel in school. Another thing they could have in common is that they have their parents behind them pushing to start the service and sign them up for it. Parents want the best for their kids so I could see them also being apart of the consumer demographic. 
  4. My customers would care because school is every important to developing children. Gaining all that knowledge over 12 plus years is very pivotal to the students future. Thinking of this service as a tool to make sure they have a positive outlook on their future will increase the value in the customer's minds. If the parents want their child to do well in school then this service will become valuable to them.
  5. One thing that sets us apart from everyone else is the potential of our learning database. The fact that we plan to attempt to put every known state core curriculum into our software so it is accessible to everyone in the U.S that signs up for the service. This service is adjustable to who ever uses it and it fits to the users style of learning to make sure they get the most bang for their buck.


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