Venture Concept #2

 Opportunity: Giving students a chance to earn better grades by adding on extra study tools for them for their own advantage.
There isn't any changes in the environment that is creating this opportunity. My target market is students from the grades Kindergarten to College. There is no age limit to my service but the main age range is 6 years old to 25 years old. Now, customers are currently satisfying this need by studying for themselves and gaining access to outside resources when need be. I think customers are loyal to what they are using now because they think there is nothing else better for them. I plan to change that with by service I am putting in place. This opportunity is big because I am giving students who need more help than others a chance to excel in school and develop the grades they need to feel good about going to school. The window will be open for as long as children are going to school. They will be the leading people in these next generations to come so they need all the knowledge they can get. 

    Innovation: My service is called Study Buddies! It is an online study program used to help students in their classes that they seem to struggle in or classes that they just want an extra boost in. Study Buddies will have the core curriculum for every subject in every state in our database so it is open to use for anyone in the U.S. It seems like a lot but it will be very easy to navigate once it is all done being made. Once a student makes an account and logs in it will already know its location so it will only show the core curriculum for that state so there is no confusion for the student. Parents will also have the chance to make accounts connected to the student's account and track their progress if need be. For this service there will be a month free trial for anyone who whats to try it out. After that, it will be $10 per month for students to continue with the service. Even though $10 is the base monthly fee, they will have access to anything that Study Buddies offers, no extra charges!

    Venture Concept: I think customers will switch to my product because it is like no one has ever seen before. I don't think any other study tool has all the information that I plan on using because I'm looking for the best interest of the student while others are just looking for money in their pocket. Not going to lie, it will be difficult for my customers to switch over to my product. I think they are used to just on main study tool that does well for them in their eyes. There are only two main competitors I can think of and that is Study Edge and Smokin' Notes. The thing for them is that they only do exam studying for major classes done at UF. With my service Study Buddies, it is not only exam studies, it is course studies for any class you can think of. That's where I think I can excel better than these two competitors. I think what I am offering with the price I set it as, there is no better deal else where. Since it is online, it is easier to access than these other programs that require you to pick up packets for sometimes an outrageous price. Study Buddies is in the palm of your hand without you even knowing it. For Study Buddies there will be 24/7 online support for any technical issue on the program or any extra questions students may have on a topic. I plan to have a least five customer service techs for each state, which mean I'll have about 250 employees by my side in this operation. They will be the reason why Study Buddies will stay up and running for a very long time. 

    Three Minor Elements:
  1. My most important resource will be my versatility within my program. I haven't seen anything else that has as much content as my competitors. It will be hard for a program that is already in business to gain as much knowledge as I plan to be giving to any of my users. 
  2. For my venture, I want to tackle the international market. I want to see the potential that my product could have overseas and have the opportunity to help students get better grades all over the world!
  3. In five years, I hope to be one of the most successful study programs in the world. I think this is an idea that can get me very far to where I don't have to worry much about it, I can just rely on my employees to get the work done as I am thinking of my next venture. As an entrepreneur, this first venture will really teach me the ups and downs of this career field and show me what to look forward to down the road.   

The feedback I got on my first venture concept was very positive and there was mostly good reviews. I'm thankful for those that wrote a good review because it shows me that I am going in the right direction with my product. What I have going is important for students and their education so I think it is great that other people think the same thing. 

Since I got such great feedback on my venture concept the first time around, I decided that I didn't want to change anything. I think it gives a clear idea of my service and what it is all about so I stand by it. This venture concept made me realize how much I love this service that I thought of and how much I want to go through with Study Buddies. 


  1. Hi Rachel, I think that your idea for study buddies is fantastic. I think there used to be another competitor in town called Skoolers, not sure what happened to them. I think that by undercutting the price many students will sign up and use your service. I also like the idea of helping with the entire term and not just the exams. I do think that you should consider how much all of this is going to cost you and then decide how much you need to charge because even though 10 dollars is a great price for me it might not be the price point that you need to be at. I hate Study Edge's so called token system, its annoying. I'd much rather just cough up the money for a good service for the semester that gave me access to everything. Wishing you much success.
    Best, Mehr.

  2. Hi!
    Great venture concept proposal! I like the ideas presented. I wonder how this framework of an idea could evolve to be implemented in other learning systems. Like learning new skills. Would experts be interested in developing a guide or course for cooking, photography, swimming, etc.? It is just a possible idea that I though of, that could be a possible path for your business!



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