
Showing posts from August, 2020

The Final Stretch

Final Reflection      After reading my all my posts back from this class, one memory that sticks out to me is doing all the interviews for my assignments. These were great opportunities to get extra help when it came to my service and building it. I took all the comments to heart and made improvements to my service accordingly. The main thing I will take away from this class is being able to build my own product and company from scratch. I didn't think that I would have an experience like this but I am very happy to say that I did it. This was a once in a lifetime experience that I would definitely recommend to anyone that is interested.     This class tested me and my entrepreneur capabilities but it is safe to say that I do see myself as an entrepreneur. Making my product was so much fun and I loved every minute of it. It made me think about my future and what I see my self 5 or 10 years from now. Having a business could potentially be on that list and I think I am very capable o

Venture Concept #2

  Opportunity : Giving students a chance to earn better grades by adding on extra study tools for them for their own advantage. There isn't any changes in the environment that is creating this opportunity. My target market is students from the grades Kindergarten to College. There is no age limit to my service but the main age range is 6 years old to 25 years old. Now, customers are currently satisfying this need by studying for themselves and gaining access to outside resources when need be. I think customers are loyal to what they are using now because they think there is nothing else better for them. I plan to change that with by service I am putting in place. This opportunity is big because I am giving students who need more help than others a chance to excel in school and develop the grades they need to feel good about going to school. The window will be open for as long as children are going to school. They will be the leading people in these next generations to come so they